I’ve been reading Suosso’s Lane by Robert Knox
and this is Bob
![Bob Knox](http://kathleenmwall.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/bob-knox.jpg?w=500)
Bob and I were neighbors once upon a time; he also has a day job as a correspondent at the Boston Globe.
The book is about Nicola Vanzetti (as in Sacco and Vanzetti – ring any bells?)
Suosso’s Lane is a real street in North Plymouth and Nicola Vanzetti lived there.
![Suoso Lane street](http://kathleenmwall.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/suoso-lane-street.jpg?w=500)
It’s in North Plymouth, and small enough to hardly read on most maps
But all this North Plymouth talk has gotten people nostalgic for foods that they remember form North Plymouth.
Foods like Horn Bread
![hornbreadNorth Plymouth](http://kathleenmwall.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/hornbreadnorth-plymouth.jpg?w=500)
This was when the 3A Cafe was making Horn Bread. North Plymouth horn bread is a little different from other sorts of horn bread.
This is Italian Horn Bread:
![horn bread600px-Coppia-ferrarese_con-pezzi](http://kathleenmwall.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/horn-bread600px-coppia-ferrarese_con-pezzi.jpg?w=500)
This is from the same part of north Italy that bakers of North Plymouth came from.But when you move, things change.
The only recipe I could find for this horn bread is not quite right.In one part, because it was written by someone who is not a recipe writer; but also because this was a baker’s bread and that makes it difficult to copy in a home kitchen. It’s not the talent of the baker – it’s the equipment and the scale.
Here’s a link to The Fresh Loaf discussion of Horn Bread – check out the star bread, too.
Here’s a link to a North Plymouth Horn Bread story from several years ago.
Check Robert Knox blog and read Suosso’s Lane.
And if you have a source for horn bread, please share!